Sofia Boutella

Kingsman: The Secret Service

Kingsman 1

It’s the year of spies! Kingsman was first, then it was that Melissa McCarthy comedy Spy (haven’t seen it yet), The Man from U.N.C.L.E is coming up next, and then in autumn there’s a new Bond. I didn’t count Mission Impossible, but I think I should.

Kingsman is a pure British-style film, with gentleman pretending to be tailors while they’re actually saving the world every day. They wear suits, perfect shoes and umbrellas. And they have better gadgets than Bond. This is both a comedy (sort of dark at some points) and a surprising action film.

I must say, it’s the smartest comedy I’ve seen in a while. People die unexpectedly, but not ridiculously, the fun is not idiotic and the racy jokes deliver.

Taron Egerton is a new-comer, there are very few titles on his imdb page, yet they gave him the lead. He has the perfect face for a London hooligan turned good-guy. If he didn’t annoy me with his golden suit and sport shoes with wings, it means he’s good.

The other Kingsmen are played by big names in the British cinema: Colin Firth, Michael Caine, Mark Strong and Jack Davenport. Plus, Samuel L. Jackson sort of making fun of himself and all the IT moguls as the big bad guy.

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The big surprise is a short appearance by Mark Hamill as a college professor. I’d also like to mention the antagonist’s sidekick – she’s a new-comer as well, an Algerian actress called Sofia Boutella. Her character’s legs gave me the creeps.

If you’re ever feeling uninspired about what to watch, get this one. I don’t want to give anything away, you’ll have to trust me that it’s a very different movie. This time, different is gooood! Enjoy!