Colin Firth

Magic in the Moonlight

Magic in the Moonlight

Din cand in cand, Woody Allen scoate un film genial. Acesta nu este unul dintre ele. E un film “dragutel” de care nimeni nu isi va mai aminti la anul.

Stanley (Colin Firth) este un magician celebru. E un personaj sarcastic, mare critic si foarte vorbaret, motiv pentru care nu are prea multi prieteni apropriati. In masura in care cariera ii permite, Stanley mai si deconspira persoanele care pretind ca vorbesc cu spiritele sau ca pot realiza acte adevarate de magie.

Howard (Simon McBurney), un alt magician, ii cere ajutorul. O familie bogata a cazut prada mrejelor lui Sophie (Emma Stone), majortatea au incredere oarba in ea, iar mostenitorul (Hamish Linklater) vrea sa se insoare cu ea.

Rolul lui Stanley pare simplu, insa Sophie e mai talentata decat se astepta el. Plus ca e draguta, chiar foarte draguta. Oare e reala? Exista o lume de dincolo, sau e un truc mai nou si mai greu de descoperit?

Singurul moment care m-a facut sa zambesc a fost o cerere in casatorie complet nepotrivita realizata de Colin Firth, ce m-a facut sa-mi amintesc de interpretarea lui a lui Mr Darcy. Si, pentu fanele infocate (va stiti voi), momentul merita vizionarea filmului. Restul…Skip!

Before I Go to Sleep

Before I Go To Sleep

Tin minte ca in liceu am fost la cinematograf la The Others si mi s-a parut cel mai infricosator film din lume. Naïve, I know. De atunci, nu cred ca Nicole Kidman a mai jucat in vreun thriller psihologic. Asta pana la Before I Go to Sleep.

La fel ca Drew Barrymore in 50 First Date, Christine se trezeste in fiecare dimineata fara sa-si aminteasca ultimii 20 de ani. Sotul ei, Ben (Colin Firth) ii spune in fiecare zi ce trebuie sa stie. A umplut un perete din baie cu poze, iar pe frigider are o lista de lucruri utile. Cand el pleaca la birou, o suna un psiholog (Mark Strong) care vine sa o ia pentru tratament. Sotul ei nu stie de acest lucru.

Before I Go To Sleep

Toata poveste mi se pare terifianta si intunecata. Nici unul din cei doi barbati nu prezinta incredere, desi sunt amandoi calzi si grijulii fata de ea. Trauma a fost cauzata de o lovitura severa la cap. Nu se stie cine i-a provocat-o si nici in ce conditii.

50 First Dates era o comedie colorata. Filmul de fata e cenusiu si trist. Oamenii din jurul lui Christine trebuie sa ii castige increderea de fiecare data, pentru ca atunci cand se trezeste ea nu stie cine sunt. Creepy rau. Incercati sa nu va uitati la el daca ramaneti singuri o perioada mai mare de timp. Enjoy!

Kingsman: The Secret Service

Kingsman 1

It’s the year of spies! Kingsman was first, then it was that Melissa McCarthy comedy Spy (haven’t seen it yet), The Man from U.N.C.L.E is coming up next, and then in autumn there’s a new Bond. I didn’t count Mission Impossible, but I think I should.

Kingsman is a pure British-style film, with gentleman pretending to be tailors while they’re actually saving the world every day. They wear suits, perfect shoes and umbrellas. And they have better gadgets than Bond. This is both a comedy (sort of dark at some points) and a surprising action film.

I must say, it’s the smartest comedy I’ve seen in a while. People die unexpectedly, but not ridiculously, the fun is not idiotic and the racy jokes deliver.

Taron Egerton is a new-comer, there are very few titles on his imdb page, yet they gave him the lead. He has the perfect face for a London hooligan turned good-guy. If he didn’t annoy me with his golden suit and sport shoes with wings, it means he’s good.

The other Kingsmen are played by big names in the British cinema: Colin Firth, Michael Caine, Mark Strong and Jack Davenport. Plus, Samuel L. Jackson sort of making fun of himself and all the IT moguls as the big bad guy.

Kingsman 2

The big surprise is a short appearance by Mark Hamill as a college professor. I’d also like to mention the antagonist’s sidekick – she’s a new-comer as well, an Algerian actress called Sofia Boutella. Her character’s legs gave me the creeps.

If you’re ever feeling uninspired about what to watch, get this one. I don’t want to give anything away, you’ll have to trust me that it’s a very different movie. This time, different is gooood! Enjoy!




A British comedy with Colin Firth and Alan Rickman, how can anything go wrong? Even if the script has flaws, it cannot fail this badly. Of course you could blame Cameron Diaz, but no matter how much you dislike her you have to admit it’s not her fault.

Alan Rickman’s character is evil, but you still like him. And it’s not charming evil, or charismatic evil, it’s just normal every day not that good of a guy. In the meantime, Colin Firth plays a douche. He’s the geek with a plan, who dosen’t see things the way they really are.

This is a movie you see for the actors. A plus for the vintage themed opening credits.

The King’s Speech

The best movie of 2010 and finally an Oscar for Britain’s finest: Colin Firth. It was a looong time coming :).

By now, everybody has seen the movie or at least knows about the 3 actors: Mr Firth (making him Sir any time soon, please?), Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham Carter. Others really worth mentioning: Timothy Spall, known as Peter Pettigrew/Wormatil for the Harry Potter generation, and Jennifer Ehle. Little trivia: Jennifer was Elizabeth Bennet, Colin Firth’s leading lady, in the Pride and Prejudice BBC version that turned him into a household name. Apparently, she was not that lucky, having a very small part in this movie.

Let’s see if I can tell you something new about this movie: this is the first film I’ve ever seen where Edward and Wallis are not portrayed as the most romantic couple ever, thank you very much for that. Also, about my favourite scene, which you can see below: there’s this myth that FUCK comes from the medieval ages, when Britain was engaged in different wars and all a lot of the men died, so newborns were required. Therefore, it would stand for.. Fornicate Under the Command of the King.

Honestly, I have no idea if that’s true or not, but still it was worth mentioning. Obviously, this movie is a MUST.