Will Arnett

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

TMNT writing

Stiu sigur ca ma uitam mult la desenele animate cu testoase mutante care stiu miscari de ninja si au comportament de adolescent in copilarie. Inca mai am o cana cu ei la bunica (sper!). Au mai fost cateva incercari de-a lungul timpului sa faca un film din desenul animat, dar nimic rasunator.

Pentru filmul din 2014, Michael Bay, regizorul celebru pentru ca in filmele lui explodeaza orice bicicleta cazuta, s-a impacat cu Megan Fox – cu cativa ani in urma, dupa Transformers 2, Megan a spus in presa ca tipul e ca Hitler pe platou. Nu el regizeaza filmul, e doar printer producatori, dar sigur a avut un cuvant de spus in distribuirea ei in rolul lui April O’Neil.

TMNT and April

Spre deosebire de Transformers, testoasele sunt mai amuzante pentru ca nu se iau in serios. Sunt replici de genul “foloseste si oameni nevinovati ca sa-i prinzi daca trebuie” sau “o sa eliberam chimicale periculoase din turnul meu ca sa intoxicam orasul”.

Raphael (Alan Ritchson), Michelangelo (Noel Fisher), Leonarde (Pete Ploszek si Johnny Knoxville) si Donatello (Jeremy Howard) sunt copii ai culturii pop, ceea ce face ca replicile lor sa mearga intr-o zi de week-end cand nu ai chef de ceva serios. Pana si Splinter (voce Tony Shalhoub) stie ca lumea moderna are atractii irezistibile, pizza fiind una dintre ele.

Nu tin minte daca in desene April avea un partener, insa Will Arnett a condus foarte bine dubita de la stiri, tot incercand sa ajute. Si personajul lui va fi pastrat pentru filmul urmator, din 2016. All in all, filmul e simpatic, dar mai pentru copii. Enjoy!

The Lego Movie

The Lego Movie

Everything is awesome!

I did not expect to like this at all, and yet, what a great movie! Not your normal Lego commercial, though you might wanna go shopping after it. And, despite that, it manages to be a cautionary tale about consumerism in today’s society.

How on Earth did they do that? Sure, buy all the Lego toys you want, just remember that in this world governed by Starbucks and McDonalds, you still have to search for pure joy and happiness. And then they take an awful song, one they themselves call an hymn to materialistic living, and turn it into a hit. Seriously, this is now a good song.

A film with toys and Will Ferrell. You have Chris Pratt as your everyman turned hero, Elizabeth Banks as the cool girl, Will Arnett as Lego Batman, Liam Neeson as The Cop and, again, Will Ferrell as Lord Business. If we ever have to pick villain nicknames for ourselves, I want to be Lord Business!

There are a lot of cameos as well, but I’m just going to mention Morgan Freeman as Vitruvius, Channing Tatum as Superman and Cobie Smulders as Wonder Woman.

Since this was a big hit, of course there’s a follow-up: The Lego Movie Sequel, because they don’t beat around the bush with stupid titles involving the number two. And I can’t wait for it! Who would’ve thought? Enjoy!