Famke Janssen

Taken 3

Taken 3

Call me crazy, but I actually liked this one. I liked it more than the second one. It reminded me, somehow, of the early Die Hard movies.

Before seeing this, I read somewhere that the problem is that you don’t care about the characters, you’re not involved in their lives. That’s not true, I care, I care about Kim and (SPOILER) the fact that she’s pregnant, I want Bryan to be happy and I thought him and Lenny were a couple again ever since Taken 2.

And let’s give a thumbs up to the franchise for bringing all the main cast back (Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace and Famke Janssen), then daring to kill off one of the leads. One thing though, why does Dougray Scott get to play the pathetic ex-husband? This guy was Cinderella’s prince!

All in all, this is a pretty good action movie, and with the right amount of pop-corn and bear, you can have fun. Enjoy!

X-Men: Days of Future Past

X-Men Days of Future Past

I finally got around to this…stupid exams, I was too busy to go to the cinema! Anyway, on to the greatest X-Men movie to the day. The X-Men are by far the coolest team of superheroes in both the DC and Marvel worlds: they’re humans with different super-powers, some are young and hasty, others are older and wise, and some are just nasty guys you can’t help but fall for.

Unlike The Avengers or The Justice League, they are not constantly trying to save the world, sometimes they have more worldly issues, like fighting bureaucracy. Also, there’s the boarding school factor that just makes it young and fresh.

This time they decided to mix the old cast with the new, so they went for a time-travelling stroy and, the way they put it, it was believable. No big loose ends like MiB3. Thus, they got a red carpet full of…..well, you’ve got Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Nicholas Hoult, that’s eye-candy for everyone. From the old class they managed to gather pretty much everyone, but I did miss Rebeca Romjin. How could would have it been it she showed up at the end? I find I don’t really like Jennifer Lawrence anymore, don’t ask me why.

And I was also sad to hear Rogue’s scenes were cut because the movie was too long – cut Storm out, why don’t you? Rogue should be in every movie, powers or not.

Now, about that really fast guy (Evan Peters) – that’s Quicksilver, but they were not allowed to use his name (you’ll see the character with a more important part in the next Avengers movie). Quicksilver is the son of Magneto and Mistique, and they did give a hint of that. Of course, you’d have to be a geek to notice.

But even if you’re not, this is a movie worth your time. Enjoy!

Taken 2

In 2008 Liam Neeson a devenit erou de actiune multumita filmului Taken. De atunci, a jucat in 2 filme cu Perseu si titanii, in The Grey, The A-Team, Battleship si The Dark Knight Rises. Taken a fost cutremurator inca de la trailer: „They’re going to take you” – toata lumea a vrut sa-l vada dupa asta. Plus ca subiectul traficului de fete rapite pentru a fi vandute retelelor de  prostitutie e o problema cat se poate de grava si inca nerezolvata, chiar si in zona noastra.

Ca orice succes de casa, si Taken are o continuare. Destul de reusita, insa mult in spatele primului film. In primul rand „Your mother is going to be taken” e bere rasuflata pe langa taria din 2008. In al doilea rand, un traficant dintr-un satuc amarat cu pile la CIA, disperat sa-si razbune fiul? Si psihopat pe deasupra, nu conteaza cate vieti a distrus animalul, e fiul meu si nu pot trai fara el. Bila alba pentru realizarea unui personaj negativ cu adevarat detestabil.

Luc Besson e scenarist si producator. In cazul in care nu ati auzit de el (blasfemie!), omul e responsabil pentru Nikita, Leon, Al 5-lea Element, District 13, seriile Taxi si Transporter. Asta printre altele 🙂 Scenele de actiune par sa fie printre preferatele lui, insa nici la comedie nu sta rau. Bine, nu e cazul aici, Taken 2 e facut sa ne stoarca de bani, si nu am avut nicio jena sa-i dau pe bilet.

Maggie Grace isi reia rolul, de data asta mai consistent. Nu va dau spoilere, s-ar putea sa nu va placa de ea aici pentru ca unele faze sunt trase rau de tot de par, insa mie mi s-a parut simpatica. Si Famke Janssen revine. Mami si tati sunt pe cale sa se impace :D.

Eu va recomand filmul, pentru ca e genul ala de actiune care te tine in priza si nu are surprize neplacute. Se serveste cu popcorn (sau nachos, dupa preferinte). Enjoy!

Taken (2008)