Chris Pratt

Jurassic World

Jurassic World

Dinosaurs are cool, they will always be cool. For a while, back in the ‘90s, it looked like Ross Geller might make them un-cool, but he failed. It makes me very happy to see them back on the big screen.

This film is about Indominus Rex, a new breed made in the lab. Because we need more money and new attractions for the island. And you have to give it to them for acknowledging the old park and remembering the tragedies that happened. Still, no good enough explanations are given for how was this allowed, again!

Big surprise, the new super-smart dino escapes and goes on a killing spree. Duuuh! And the kids we care about are lost, all alone in that terrifying park. Their aunt runs the place and didn’t have time to spend the day with them, but she did get them VIP passes. And when you give two young boys (Nick Robinson and Ty Simpkins) free access without having to wait in line, do you actually expect them to come at once when the robot tells them to? Their mum would know better, but the aunt who hasn’t seen them in years does not.

Bryce Dallas Howard, the aunt, has the most horrible haircut I’ve ever seen, and I saw a lot of movies with Helena Bonham Carter. The entire movie, I just wanted to get that orangey-thing out of her eyes. And to see her take her shoes off. She wears some basic nude pumps while running through the jungle, fighting dino-angry birds and setting herself as bait for a T-Rex. The stupidity of this is not lost on the producers: there’s a caption dedicated to her feet, still with high heels on, while running before the final battle.

Chris Pratt plays the hero. It’s his third leading role, after Lego and Guardians of the Galaxy, and he might just be the next movie star. I’ve decided he’s my favorite out of all the Marvel Chrises (Hemsworth is just about the abs and the hair, while Evans seems kind of a douche bag in real life). Owen is fantastic – he trains Velociraptors, becomes the alpha of their pack and leads them on a hunt while riding a motorcycle – yup, dude is awesome.

The owner of the island is Irrfan Khan and he’s obviously intended to be a good guy. Me, I’m not buying it. The evil one is Vincent D’Onofrio – military dude. As far as secondary characters go, Mercedes should also be mentioned, I’s nice to see something other than Audis. Also, the phones are not from Apple for once. That being said, I cannot wait for the dinosaur merchandise!

The movie is packed with dino-action and it leads up to a fabulous final battle. Also, the bad doctor flees with some embryos, so a sequel story is probably already shaping up. Jurassic World is this summer’s second  hit and it will lead the box office for a while. I’d say it’s worth your money and that you should see it in 3D. Enjoy!

The Lego Movie

The Lego Movie

Everything is awesome!

I did not expect to like this at all, and yet, what a great movie! Not your normal Lego commercial, though you might wanna go shopping after it. And, despite that, it manages to be a cautionary tale about consumerism in today’s society.

How on Earth did they do that? Sure, buy all the Lego toys you want, just remember that in this world governed by Starbucks and McDonalds, you still have to search for pure joy and happiness. And then they take an awful song, one they themselves call an hymn to materialistic living, and turn it into a hit. Seriously, this is now a good song.

A film with toys and Will Ferrell. You have Chris Pratt as your everyman turned hero, Elizabeth Banks as the cool girl, Will Arnett as Lego Batman, Liam Neeson as The Cop and, again, Will Ferrell as Lord Business. If we ever have to pick villain nicknames for ourselves, I want to be Lord Business!

There are a lot of cameos as well, but I’m just going to mention Morgan Freeman as Vitruvius, Channing Tatum as Superman and Cobie Smulders as Wonder Woman.

Since this was a big hit, of course there’s a follow-up: The Lego Movie Sequel, because they don’t beat around the bush with stupid titles involving the number two. And I can’t wait for it! Who would’ve thought? Enjoy!

Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy

This was the past summer’s blockbuster. Marvel really did a great job with it too: it’s an unknown team, with a talking raccoon and a tree. Also, the leading lady is green with pointy ears – it’s hard to believe that this is going to be a hit with grown-ups and children alike when you look at it like that.

Then again, this is the company that turned Robert Downey JR into the biggest star on the planet. The new guy is Chris Pratt, well, new to the superhero universe, I still remember him from Everwood. He’s the guy you root for, a loveable asshole turned into a hero when the faith of the world is at stake.

Zoe Saldana is Gamora, in yet another role where she’s a hot colored alien. Rounding up the team are Rocket Raccoon (voiced by Bradley Cooper, once again proving to me that he can actually act), Groot – some sort of tree (voiced by Vin Diesel) and the one character that made me cry (you have no soul if you didn’t!) and the vengeful Dax, played by Dave Bautista.

The villain, a very creepy looking dude you just have to hate, is played by Lee Pace. The make-up is amazing, I would have never guessed, but he’s starting a pattern here, playing the bad guy (see also The Hobbit). Great for his career, however it seems against character to me.

And, because this is a franchise, Benicio Del Toro makes an appearance as The Collector. I’m sure we will see more from that.

The movie is a must for all the geeks out there. It’s also the first with these characters, so you don’t need outside knowledge to enjoy it. Definitely worth the time!

Take Me Home Tonight

Inca un film despre cat de greu e sa-ti gasesti calea dupa facultate, de data asta ceva mai amuzant. E filmat prin 2007, a aparut anul asta, dar actiunea se petrece in 1988, deci muzica mai veche si haine colorate 🙂 .

In rolul lui Matt, personajul principal, il gasim pe Topher Grace. Matt a terminat MIT-ul si nu a stiut ce sa faca in continuare, asa ca momentan vinde casete video in mall, spre enervarea tatalui sau, interpretat de Michael Biehn.

Cand tipa cu care nu indraznea sa vorbeasca in liceu intra in magazin, Matt minte si ii spune ca lucreaza la Goldman Sachs (?!). Din pacate, si ea tot in domeniul bancar lucreaza. Insa Tori il tine minte din liceu si ii propune sa se intalneasca la petrecerea unui fost coleg.

Acel fost coleg, Kyle, este prietenul lui Wendy, sora geamana a lui Matt. Wendy, la fel ca si fratele ei, e o persoana inteligenta care isi doreste un masterat la Cambridge, in vreme ce Kyle este genul sportivului idiot.

Interepretul lui Kyle, Chris Pratt, este unul dintre cei mai subapreciati actori, mai ales in televiziune, din ultimul timp. Omul a fost fantastic in Everwood! A, si se intampla sa fie insurat in realitate cu tipa care are rolul lui Wendy, Anna Faris, cunoscuta pentru roluri de blonda prostovana in comedii tembele.

Cine mi-a atras atentia a fost Tori – Teresa Palmer este o tanara australianca draguta, cu filme simpatice la activ, dar care ar putea avea probleme din cauza asemanarii cu Kristen Stewart.

Filmul e haios, si numai bun de vazut cu gasca in perioada asta. Enjoy!